Boucle All Day…

As I promised in the very first post, there is no rhyme or reason or schedule to this thing. There is only the hope that this momentary reprieve from the day to day happenings brings you some joy and inspiration.

My mom and I just attended the High Point furniture market after a 2+ year hiatus due to Covid, and despite the fact we had to travel across the country and back in time 100’s of years, the trip was a blast and total success. I had forgotten what it was like to see the pieces in person, to feel the fabrics and smell the leathers, drink the nitro in Rowe Furniture’s showroom, to see your family and friends and get energized from your fellow store owners, designers, buyers and furniture peddlers.

It’s a miracle we’ve had any success up until now as the entire store is stocked with blind purchases. So just imagine what the next year has in store.. (literally and figuratively).

Pictures tend to speak louder than words and I’d rather keep my yammering brief. Here’s to much needed inspiration + good times ahead. ✌🏼


